Thursday, April 1, 2010

cartoon characters pictures







Cartoon characters

My cartoon is about 5 animals who travel through time via a time portal. 3 of the animals live in the zoo, the giraffe, the shark, and the bear. The duck and the cat are strays so they sneek into the zoo and sleep there. one day while barry was walking around in his enclosure he discovered that theres some sort of portal behind on of the rock in the back.. So he walks through it and instantly transports him through time.. Barry tell his friends and they go on all these wacky adventures.


cat - jerome
duck- harold
bear - barry
shark - leonard
giraffe - gary

we had dave again today and we were making things on photoshop this is my anti smoking campaign thingy

work with dave

This are pics we drew on photoshop using only the smudge tool.. they look heaps wicked cause of the different shades of black and white

this is a table >>>>>>>>>

this is a cup \/\/\/\/\/\/\/

<<<<< this is a bottle